Charity mobile phone recycling campaign launched

September 28, 2023
Lister Unified Communications and have teamed up to launch a major mobile phone recycling campaign with Gloucestershire businesses.

The initiative is in support of The Nelson Trust, the Stroud-based charity that brings hope and long-term recovery to lives affected by addiction and multiple disadvantages.

Rob Lister, managing director of Stonehouse-based Lister, said: "We've teamed up with as a major partner in this and we're hoping we can recycle as many mobile phones as possible across the county. If we can all play a little part in recycling these phones, we could help some people in real need."

The whole idea is for businesses to find their old phones, drop them in a box at their workplace and The Nelson Trust will come and collect them. Alternatively, you can drop them off at one of the Growth Hubs around the county which will have dedicated mobile phone recycling bins." editor Mark Owen added: "There must be thousands of unused phones across the county tucked away in drawers at home or in the office that can be easily recycled and used to raise funds for the charity which helps women in crisis.

"Our mission is to get as many businesses as possible in the county to join this campaign.

"I'm embarrassed to say that I had a look around my own house and office and collected 15 old mobile phones that were just lying around in drawers, which I hadn't recycled or thrown away, now they can be put to good use."

Phone donors are advised to wipe all their private information off their devices before dropping them off, but Lister's experts can clear them, if necessary.

The old phones either get refurbished and upcycled or broken down as their parts contain tiny parts of precious metals.

The initiative is being supported by Gloucester-based BiGDUG, which has supplied the recycling bins, and Blue Sky Signs which created all the signage for the bins.

Andy Jarrett, Fundraising & Events Lead at The Nelson Trust, said “We are immensely grateful to Lister Unified Communications,, and all those who will generously donate their old mobile phones to support The Nelson Trust. 

"Shockingly, a significant number of women have their phones taken away from them as a means of control in manipulative relationships.

"This support not only helps reduce landfill waste but also plays a vital role in raising much-needed funds to support women in crisis and individuals battling addiction and multiple complex challenges. This collaboration exemplifies the power of community and generosity."

The campaign was launched this week at the Gloucester Growth Hub, University of Gloucestershire campus – with the first of the special BIGDUG recycling bins installed at Gloucester and over this week and next, other BIGDUG recycling bins will be placed at the Growth Hubs across the county including: Stroud, Cirencester, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, and the Forest of Dean.

Dr Polly Pick, Director of Business Engagement at the University of Gloucestershire said: “Sustainably and recycling are in line with our core values as an organisation and we are delighted to support this initiative.

"It’s a good opportunity for staff, students, and business partners to have a good clear out and put those old mobile phones to good use.”

Mark Owen added: “We strongly ask that anyone donating a box of phones or going to the Hubs to drop them off, to take a photo and tag @MarkMooseOwen @PunchlineGlos @Listercomsltd @AndyJarrett8 across X formally known as Twitter, and LinkedIn so that we can share and help spread the word and get as many people and businesses involved as possible. I hope to use a great deal of any photos online and in the next printed edition of Punchline Magazine – The B!G Green Issue - out in November.”

Stay up to date with the campaign visit

To have your box of used mobile phones picked up email

For more information about The Nelson Trust visit

Locations of Growth Hubs and opening times:

Stroud Growth Hub

SGS College – Stroud Campus, Stratford Road, Stroud GL5 4AL

Monday to Friday: 9am – 4pm

Gloucester Growth Hub

The Growth Hub, Oxstalls Lane, Longlevens, Gloucester, GL2 9HW

Monday to Thursday: 9.30am – 4pm

Friday: 9am – 12pm

Cheltenham Growth Hub

Unit H2, The Brewery Quarter, Cheltenham GL50 3FF

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm

Tewkesbury Growth Hub

Tewkesbury Borough Council, Tewkesbury Growth Hub, Gloucester Road, Tewkesbury GL20 5TT

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm

Cirencester Growth Hub

Royal Agricultural University, Stroud Road, Cirencester GL7 6JR

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm

Forest of Dean Growth Hub

Ground Floor, Building Seven, Vantage Point Business Village, Western Avenue, Gloucester Road, Entrance, Mitcheldean GL17 0DD

Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm

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